Monday 24 March 2014

Don't judge a book by its cover

I was brought up to accept people,  Growing up my parents had friends from all over the world and they lived next to us and I had the chance to get to know all these different people that came to our house, I guess some might say I was lucky, maybe I was as my parents didn't judge people they just accepted them for who they were.  Doesn't matter what race, religion, clothes they wear, how they look, don't judge a book by its cover. That doesn't make a bad person, it's the person which is bad/good.  Society has us think to look, dress, believe in a certain way is bad, why? just because you look different doesn't mean anything, it's not important, but we allow ourselves to be told what is important instead of thinking for ourselves and seeing that these things are nothing. We let ourselves be controlled and told if you do not look this way, dress this way then you are worthless, you are a bad person if you look this way/that way, so we go around and automatically judge someone on how they look, dress.

Maybe it's time to let people be free to be themselves without judgement, let people look, dress, believe in what they wish to, you might get a nice surprise because people might not be the way you think if you open your mind and really see them, not everyone that looks and dresses, believes in something different than you is wrong, bad.  Next time before you judge someone else, take a good look at yourself first, drop the judgements and help make this world a little better with it.

Sol Ess

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