Saturday 22 March 2014

Letting go

When life gets to much, when it gets overwhelming, just stop, stand still, sit if you are just stop everything, take a few moments, close your eyes, don't think of anything, let what ever thoughts you have in your head be there, just stop and be still, if you could fix/sort out these things you would have done it, if you can not then there is nothing you can do and no need to let it plague your mind.
Sometimes we have to let go and let ourselves be free, even if it is only for a few moments. Why beat ourselves up when there is plenty of others out there that will be happy to do that to us.
Sometimes you have to say its enough and let it all go. I understand letting go for some is hard to do, as we cling onto things for no reason other than we think we need to, without knowing why we do as it brings nothing but hurt to us.
Sometimes for our own sanity we have to start to let things go, anger, hate, fear etc will eat us up, also the fear of letting go, but why fear letting go and being happy, once you have past this you will feel the weight of the world has been lifted from you.
For some it takes small steps and builds up. For some it is a case of open the eyes and that is it, its done. Doesn't matter how you do it, its about you the person and finding that ground which will allow you to be happy and let go of the things which hold you down. You do not need to feel the way you do, it is yourself which allows this.

Fear of happiness, I meditated on this.
Some fear happiness, others just don't want it, why is this? by letting go as I said above can be scary for most. You become fully responsible for yourself, your actions, your words, your thoughts.
You no longer have anything to place blame on, you no longer have excuses, you will no longer seek validation/approval, you will no longer need people to agree/disagree with you, you will no longer need people to like you, you will not need/want people to listen/hear you as you are not responsible for them are what they decide to hear etc.
Is it easy? yes. Is it hard? yes. It is the way you want it to be.
So to be responsible for your own being/happiness can be scary for many, most are unwilling to give up on attachments, as that is not what the so called normal way of life is.

Sol Ess

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