Thursday 6 March 2014

Stop putting others down

I am lucky as i know people from all walks of life and all religions, i don't follow any myself, i just go my own way and for the most part the people i know all accept each other and get along great, our group earth spirit soul is full of people with different beliefs, all get along fine without judgement and fear of what they say and post. 

There is some i have found out there that like to pick on others, take wicca, why wicca cause its the first one that jumped into my head, like the others you have different groups that believe in it in a different way, but what is the right way?

There is no right way, the only right way is your way, i have seen people getting jumped on cause they are Christian but also wiccan, does it matter, if they aren't hurting anyone are themselves and are happy, why should it matter, Buddhist with wiccan why should it matter? take a step back and think, who am i to tell them they can't be like that, you can't, who are you to tell someone they can or can't be the way they are, its not up to you, you don't own the religion.

Stop picking on people and let them be who they are and be happy, just cause they might not do and see things the same way as you doesn't mean you are right and they are wrong.

Religions are about harming none and spreading peace, love, acceptance and the rest, well why not practise what you preach instead of putting people down and thinking you know everything and know best, cause you don't.

Treat people the way you would like to be treated.

Sol Ess

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