Saturday 8 March 2014

Sol Full Living

What is Sol full living?

To me it is about looking into yourself and finding yourself, soul searching if you want to call it that.  To often people look outside for answers instead of looking within. Meditation and letting go of attachments and moving yourself in vibration to another for a better word level.

A lot of people don't understand the way i am which is fine as maybe they aren't meant to understand, each has their own path.  I do see things different to a lot of people, this being myself has freed me, i guess you could say i started to wake up is the best way to say it.  Am i fully awake, no i don't think so as i'm not sure anyone is really, my journey is ahead of me, be long/short, the beauty of it is always something new to learn.

Why search for enlightenment when it is already inside and part of you, go and look for it and it might never show up, take a look inside and maybe you might find what it is you have been looking for.

Am I enlightened? No and maybe i never will be and that is fine.

The beauty of the now, not the past, not the future just now.

Sol Ess - Sol Full Living

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